For many years, a cave on the side of the Aldorian Road has been a home to the gardener Takhur. One can't miss the entrance to his house since it's bedecked with a gorgeous rose garden and a Minoton head carved in stone by Takhur himself – a self-portrait that tells passersby about the identity of the garden's owner.

Little is known about Takhur. They say he served in military intelligence but had to retire after some unfortunate events. The Minoton gardener is hard-working by nature and spends entire days in his garden, weeding out certain patches, watering flowers, and planting seeds.

Not many travelers dare use the Aldorian Road nowadays, so Takhur is happy to see any visitor who agrees to share a couple of words with him. The Minoton's only friend is the sad Dragon blacksmith Hephaeor who lives nearby. Takhur visits him whenever he gets a chance.

