BonCrushing Message

I think a great idea would be if the game would automatically generate a message if one of your clan mates was getting bone crushed. This message should show in clan chat only and could say something along the lines of :

"JimmyJamm is getting bone crushed by SumDumbGuy at winery crossroads."

This could alleviate alot of the searching to find someone that doesn't remember where they are int he event of an attack.
Great idea JimmyJamm! Would be a very good addition to the game.
Good idea
Totally agreed. It would be helpful especially in the cases of someone being BC'd while they are afk on a snack or bathroom break
nice idea..what would the programing that would need to have that work prperly?
yup, good idea JJ
Skarednice idea..what would the programing that would need to have that work prperly?

no idea, i'm a player, let the programmers figure it
i agree
good idea jimmy
agreed, would save alot of time and players would have time to defend or in recent cases when their afk team mates could intervene
Agreed! That would make it a lot easier to help!
great idea
100 % agree
agree completely
super idea
Agreed! This way we'd all know if one of our clan-buddies gets attacked, then we can defend them much faster and easier. Better way to ready for retaliation too!
JimmyJammBonCrushing Message
I think a great idea would be if the game would automatically generate a message if one of your clan mates was getting bone crushed. This message should show in clan chat only and could say something along the lines of :

"JimmyJamm is getting bone crushed by SumDumbGuy at winery crossroads."

This could alleviate alot of the searching to find someone that doesn't remember where they are int he event of an attack.

Brilliant suggestion

excellent idea
great idea...who did you steal it from JJ?
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