This topic arose in my clan chat today and we all thought itd be cool to all have eyepatches... but alas! Our fellow female members cannot get such an accessory! How can this be?! "> we should ALL be able to wear eyepatches! Sharing the "> fun with everyone, ALL being able to wear an eyepatch ">
Natsu Dragneel 112,
you do you remember how to type in red?
EYE PATCHES!!! Why not? It is only logical to allow them. Unless the Admins WANT people to stop playing this game! ----> IF the admins DENY us eye patches, They will ANNOY PLAYERS until they will NO LONGER WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME. IF players STOP PLAYING, They STOP PAYING. NO players, NO ONE will pay for the reals, the admins STOP MAKING MONEY. Don't want that to happen now, do you? <---- ONLY LOGICAL!!!

Agreed however on the other eye to ours to 1) make it more unique
and 2) if they were looking at each other for any reason and they were very close both would be looking at each others eyepatch rather than the working eye otherwise I VOTE YES!
see i wasnt gonna post but my bestie would look very sexy with a eyepatch
WHAT is a sea battle without pirate chicks?!?! NOTHING! Why would we have Ships and ports without eyepatches?!?! WE shouldn't! Why the ADMINS decide to annoy players by DENYING THEM what they want is a mystery, BUT IS ISN'T GOOD IF THEY WANT US TO PLAY!!! They annoy the players that pay, they ANNOY the payers that THEY MAKE MONEY FROM!!! NOT GOOD if they want to have a profit every month, ISN'T IT? ">

sattas17see i wasnt gonna post but my bestie would look very sexy with a eyepatch

Besty? I didn't know you even had friends ^^
I want the option to wear and eye patch on both eyes! Kind of like a blind Warrior!

Ihit....this may have gotten buried (like a good gold treasure) but it has not been forgotten

We women of DE are demanding equal rights and deserve to be recognized with female pirate emotes (plus no more male defilers either please "> ).....otherwise a mutiny might transpire ">

AArrrr whos defiling r females???? ill hang em from the yardarm by there thumbs provide they have them ifn not the toes!!!!!!! arrrrrr heh heh
I FOUND IT!! Cmon guys! I want an eyepatch option in the barbershop! It'd be soo COOL!!
Ditto, i will also second this :) C'mon Ihit let us have the same option as the men, it's only fair :P
I can squirt a certain liquid in you ladies eyes.
And then Ihit will have to give you eyepatches.
MP, then you'll be a registered defiler for life...lol
Eye patches for girls....ABSOLUTELY!!
arrr ! give the ladys there eye patch or i'll give ye a Keel haul and is off to Davy Jones' Locker for ye, ya bunch of land lubber Bilge rats! Savvy?
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