sea battle warning

04:35 Heaven's Voice: Sea Battles are a Battleground, not a pleasure trip! The Sea Board issues you a warning. Fight better and don't let your team down - sea is no place for weak warriors! what does this mean? would love to post the link to the fight, but it seems that it is an external link (?) i did the second most damage on my side, tied for most piastres, and repaired 6. tell me what i did wrong. this is the second time in a row i have received this warning.

Beginning of the Battle: 02.12.2012 04:00
Let me explain something to you people...

This law is first of all the biggest piece of crap ever. When your team get BADLY beat in Ship Battle.... you receive TONS of debuffs that affect your damage input, cirtic/will/stamina and total health points.

Now the winning side doesn't have any of that and starts to hit you for 700+ every hit.... (over 1k for critics)

Even as a Blue belted player.... I cannot do much against lv 50s and their replicants.

This rule should just be removed.
OK i was captain at sea battle and we had a player named meshwell leave because he saw me as captain and that is bullshit and he knows it.... When u lose the shootout it is very hard to do damage AND with all the crazy effects... And it is just not right to have someone leave sea battle it is very cowardly.. OK admin u guys need to fix this crap with sea battle warnings now u wonder why people do not go often and its not because we do not want to its because its BS sometimes just something for u to THINK about">">
I'm not yet the required level to do sea battle but your telling me the bracket is 22-50???? please tell me how a level 22 is ment to compete with level 50's? Is there anything put in place to counter balance? If not something seriously needs to be done.
yes horned demon during the boarding phase u get a boost in stats that are equal to a lvl 50 as long as u have good gear and a mount u will be fine your mounts health will get a boost also... It is hard to do damage sometimes dnt worry about it too much
GOSH.. go there try first, and then learn.. all level become come u just throw words..use ur brain gosh..

Plus main factor in winning this is most likely depend on the gunnery battle.. any side can win. ">

Whining aint gonna make it fun..use fact and complaint.. and then just hope admin will consider ur suggestion">
Levels become equal on statistics, but a lvl 22 with no belt may be sent against lvl 50 with roomy military belt and satin baltic, which means a lot of difference in belt capacity, as belt capacity is no longer increased for the low level, plus there will be also the difference between marks like those you can fit to purple gear, or spell difference, eg. those spells you can get from lvl 29, which can tip over some of the favours towards the lvl 50 easily, on top of the gunnery battle difference.
I personally do not think there should be warning. The teams should deal with anyone not doing best themselves.
Ever seen a level 29 beat out the damage of a level 50? ever see this? NO? hmm well pity..I have seen a few..and lately alot. No one can deal anything with anyone that throw out the game. No one..and its just right for admin to introduce the warning. It make things become easier. Id say thanks.

Stick to the topic, read and understand. Then write

Motto : This not fair, that not fair, he not fair, she not fair. OK make your own game. It should be fair(eyes)
of course only u would say that
mack city,

Whatever..I cant force the horse to drink the be it, let the horse die from thirsty
lmao dude u act like people are bitchin when that is not the case i am sorry it looks that way.... and if i die i will die with friends
mack city,

Like I said.. whatever..doesnt matter how u wanna die..
Lvl 29 can have military belt or roomy military belt. People bellow lvl 25 may only have 1 endurance and 4 life pots and nothing else. And some level 29 are very strong, so yes, I can see this happening. My point is that I do not like the warning because this is from lvl 22 and those people are already at disadvantage even if by just lower belt capacity.
So I am against introducing of some warning, which can mean that with bad luck you may not be able to enter the Sea Battles for few days, even if they may be trying their best, not about how the Sea Battles are done.
Another solution is to implement brackets and bring down the number of minimum participants to 4 on each side., that way there will not be bullying from the lvl 50 to a low levels and the fight will be fairer. Its a win win for both side, if you have happy players you will get more money, if you have alot of fustrated players and you don't do anything about it, well these players will quit and this means loss of income for you as a gaming company. Its a simple business strategy, if you don't adapt to the demands of your customers, you won't last long.
I agree we should have brackets it makes things easier because lvl 50 players have marks that the lower people do not have
mack city,

However if you have close to best equipment for your level, your stats and mount if you're using one get increased to level 50 capacity. There have been several discussions of having brackets however it would take too long for fights to start.
@ ihit this is true all i want is my corsair rep and the sea battles never seem to go anymore because people complain about shitty people going to sea battle when it is just for fun.. People get mad very easily in sea battle when a lvl 22 or 23 joins without a mount and belt....But u are the admin so u know best
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