Servers :)

Well, i'm just a little curious about this one :). What is the purpose of having 2 servers in this game? :D I mean, the game is losing players day after day, even on Terra server there are no that many players. So why a game with relativly small amount of players needs 2 servers? :D We have Nova server, very small amount of players, hard to find battles, (ruins of shadan, SB, etc..) comparing to Terra at least :D less events too,. We have Terra that has more players but even that is not much.
According to what I know just 1 international server would be WAY better for both Nova and Terra players. It should be even easier for admins to work on 1 server only, right? :D Then why do we have 2 servers? :D Is it this hard to make 1 international server? :D
Merging with Terra is out of the question. That's not even our decision, and there's nothing we can do about it, so we'll concentrate on revivng the game here on Nova (c)
As he had said- absolutely out of the question. Level 90 only received traction because of the remaining players here overwhelmingly requesting as means of new content. Dreidan pushes for it because even small servers deserve new content.

Merging with Terra is a never going to happen.
That's unfortuned) And that's exactly what my question is. :) Why is it out of the question? They should explain that, cus what they are doing now is answering "why Nova is not going to merge with Terra" with a simple "because it is not going to".

They’re answering that way because that is exactly the answer they are given and we are just parroting back to you. If there was another answer that they want to give, they would’ve given it by now.

I asked it back when 90 was being considered, and that’s the answer I was given, so I just parrot it back. If they have a back reason for not wanting to merge it and they choose not to tell us, then that’s their business and how they want to handle it. I haven’t been told another reason besides: We can’t do it.
Leane, hm, ok :D I made this post to know why it can't be done but looks like no one actually has the answer :D well, thank you anyway. :)
It is not that it cannot be done, it is that they won't do it. It technically can be done (they did it once at least).
Dreidan said that no one can buy sparks of inception with Reals. Now look what could be bought with Reals? Life change, people's mind change but I will not live or die with petty stuff cause I have a real life to live. In short I just said never say never.
Amherst, exactly :) I'm just wondering - if they could do it with Aer what is preventing them from doing it with Nova...
the price of reals on terra is a lot cheaper than on nova it would make it hard as they would have to upset terra if they did this
dragonflys2, too bad they don’t just lower the reals price here so we get our monies worth too
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