Storm Kat70
Expected date for Mixed Sea Battles?
Can we get one?
Seriously, week after week we log on, try SB just to find it's not mixed..... and then you have more complaints about alts posted.
We know it "will" happen, right? Haven't changed your mind?
Please stop wasting our buffs on tests and tell us when it's happening and get it done.
Seriously, week after week we log on, try SB just to find it's not mixed..... and then you have more complaints about alts posted.
We know it "will" happen, right? Haven't changed your mind?
Please stop wasting our buffs on tests and tell us when it's happening and get it done.
OPTIMUS PRlME, wars and far too many hours spent begging people to join SB
Then littles join and get
We pushed for years to be part of TERRA.