An open post to show how awesome I am

Here is an open lost to show how awesome I am. Please share links to puppies or kittens. And remember I'm so awesome !!

Ok - awesome to start such a post...
All know that so lets close open post

I want to hear more.....and I want to see all the puppies and kittens!! Where are they???
I'm pretty sure that I am by far the most awesome person on this site, and most likely in the entire world. Sorry Pearls
This post is about how awesome I am, not that I am the most awesome ! I didn't claim that !!
So, can you praise my awesomeness a little bit ??
Nurse Ratchednovosge1,

I want to hear more.....and I want to see all the puppies and kittens!! Where are they???

you have to start by sharing some kittens. I am really kitten-hungry. So please. Solve my issue. I beg you.
Ok fine, yes you rank about 8.5 on the awesome scale. Just remember that I am THE most awesome.
...There ya go!!! kittys for you, and a couple penguins ( i didnt has any mouses to keep them occupied)

Ps.(whispers) and yus i know it should be mice but i likes how mouses sound

Pearls is awesome too :D

Yes, u awesome!
Pearl's is so awesome I'm officially renaming Ninth to "Pearly's Angels".

no no kitties for matter how awesome you are.

must save the kitties.
Nurse Ratched, but , but he just want to pet them, and squeeze them and call them george
My name is George

now that is a great Looney Tunes episode
Nurse Ratched, right!! i want me a stuffed one
Nurse Ratched, piddles, I wasn't sure anyone would get the reference lol
Ok so I am really upset. Ok ok I am awesome... but I haven't seen a single puppy or kitten. What is wrong with this world ??
Do you like chubby kitty?
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