rf. Aka. Rat fick.

Who but the likes of a player like rf and trongster play so dirty? I can't tell you how many times this guy joins into my battles while fighting an elite. Guess he is too much a puss to fight me straight up. Hey rf, won't be long and I'll be close enough in gear to make you day, every day. I'll bc you every day and lock it. I don't care what it cost. Just to hear you whine to everyone, because your such a stand up guy. Perhaps dass and bubba were right about you. No wonder nearly every sadar has left your clan.
Lets just be clear...I hit you once thinking you were hitting the mines (which you had been) and it turns out you were in an elite, my mistake. have fun;-)
Lol and you attack me when I got out of prison with a grey sphere I knew a vaalor like you would be such an idiot throwing your anger on me :D it's all good Bruh keep waisting money
One of your members* sorry misread this post
I agree
I recall either RF or trongster don't remember which hitting me on an elite just cause I was fighting the elite with scandinavian "> good times
Why people take this game so serious like its the end of the world lol.
It's fun to steal the occasional elite kill It's extra fun to bc the person you just interrupted immediately after the elite fight.
I mean, it's pretty fun fighting trong. He doesn't even complain when you hit him, or steal his kills, he's actually quite chill.
But RF on the other side, is just super fun to mess with lol. He hit me all the time, so to get back at him I followed him to islands and hit him when he was fighting mobs and made him summon idols and shit.
Sparta Wolf,
I don't have any grey spheres? Really?
I remember it well, I was helping you and a couple of your crannies, peeeka and another kill an elite. And there were no active Sydian mines there then. I believe you told me it was because you were associating with ninth that provoked that attack....yes it was a long time ago, but I remember it well...
Yes, I recall. I seem to recall you interrupting several of my Garuug chases when I was much smaller to prevent me from getting a red bag. Five to be exact. Payback it a B isn't it. Kinda like how pearls posted in his profile page a conversation he had with you? Typical bully, hit on little guys , screw with their game and now that he can kill you straight up daily, you complain to him....... Your a punk
Yes, I recall. I seem to recall you interrupting several of my Garuug chases when I was much smaller to prevent me from getting a red bag. Five to be exact. Payback it a B isn't it. Kinda like how pearls posted in his profile page a conversation he had with you? Typical bully, hit on little guys , screw with their game and now that he can kill you straight up daily, you complain to him....... Your a punk

Yeah just read the conversation again that happened on pearls profile. And again, and again until you understand it. Than explain it to pearls. And than talk again. Cant be that hard to read something correctly one time.
Who cares its a game deal with it
Sparta Wolf,
You did care during your first post

Anyways, what goes around comes around, or vice versa...whatever, you get the memmo.
Was pointing it out but its not end of world lol
ooooooohhhh BEEF!!!! ">
hmmmm......somewhere there is a black kettle and a pot mixed in all of this ">
Nurse Ratched,
Don't forget the black mutton chops!
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