Clan Hall bugs


we've purchased the alter and the banner in our clan hall and still no buffs given by the alter ...all of the descriptions are in Russian so I don't know what it's telling me ... but from what I discerned from google translate all we needed was the banner for the exp and valor buffs ...

We aquired a clan hall yesterday n found out that it doesnt work, we spend 25 gold on altar which doesnt work, and 50 gold on banner which not even show up!! Is this another way to rob players of gold or reals?

Lady Nadine:
we are the first clan who reach level 2 and still even we bought table for expansion we are 30/30 not 40/40:( please fix it:( thank you
links to Russian text ...
http: //img444. jpg
http: //img32. jpg
http: //img205. jpg
http: //img692.imageshack. us/img692/6937/alterdropscreen. jpg (the alter's drop down menue with no option for making any offering to get the buff offered by the banner) (75g for this ... payed for in the most part by one understandably upset clan member)
Hello Malious and other members of Eight Legion,

As mentioned through in-game messages we are already fixing these issues and they should be working properly very soon. And a screenshot of error if you get one when trying to invite 31st member of clan would be appreciated to ensure clan table really isn't working for you and could get fixed asap.
how can we get a sreen shot ?

You can always check how to take a screenshot if you read the F.A.Q

"Press the Print Screen (PrtScr) button to take a screen capture of your entire screen. Button is right next to F12. Then open paint or any other picture editor and press ctrl+v. Now your taken screenshot appears - save and upload it similar to what Malious did.''
we should have a banner installed in our clan hall as well
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