Bug Reimbursement

Everybody seems to be getting that "daily bonus" glitch, so I'll just throw this here as a post where anybody can say what they lost so the Guardians can hopefully reimburse us at a later time.

Sareth201 - 20 Silver
i am not getting my daily bonus
20 silver
I think mine is at 20 silver...but I'll take more, lol
i have a problem when ever i fight the daily bones comes on , then it say is a error
"> i need moneys
cannot get my daily bonus kittkatt
.50 reels
im at Day 5 for my .5 Reals and it isnt giving it to me
this needs to be fixed">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">
im supossed to git 0.02 blue coinz to day
its doing it to me to?
crap i mean 0.5

iv been getting this REALLY annoying "daily bonus" glitch and iv been on for 10 nights in a row and haven't gotten a thing so it all adds up to me losing "1 real" and "2 gold" so could you please do something about it

PS; could I get my 2 gold and 1 real any time soon?

Sareth201Bug Reimbursement
Everybody seems to be getting that "daily bonus" glitch, so I'll just throw this here as a post where anybody can say what they lost so the Guardians can hopefully reimburse us at a later time.

Sareth201 - 20 Silver


iv been getting this REALLY annoying "daily bonus" glitch and iv been on for 10 nights in a row and haven't gotten a thing so it all adds up to me losing "1 real" and "2 gold" so could you please do something about it

PS; could I get my 2 gold and 1 real any time soon?

Sareth201Bug Reimbursement
Everybody seems to be getting that "daily bonus" glitch, so I'll just throw this here as a post where anybody can say what they lost so the Guardians can hopefully reimburse us at a later time.

Sareth201 - 20 Silver

{angry} {sad} {crying}
(angry (crying)
could u plz fix this err its driving me NUTS!!!\

0.5 reals, first time it failed tonight. Very annoying as it follows you about. Please fix guys. Cheers.
20s ">
20 silver
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