Invasion of Shaab

Three thousand years ago, a great evil came to our world. Inhabitants of the dreary Abyss, the Dark Gods of Shaab, invaded Adan with countless hordes of their minions, intent on subjecting everything to the cursed influence of Blight. It took two long murderous wars and intervention of the three Great Dragons to defeat armies of Shaab and banish the Dark Gods. Ever since their defeat, Lords of the Abyss recovered their strength, mustering a new army. Now they are ready to pay Adan back for the past defeat.

Danger hides in the Knossos Canyon. There, among scorched mountains, gleams the ominous fire of the Gates of Abyss - door to the dark depths of Shaab. A magical Dome seals the rift between two worlds but when the Dark Gods gather enough power, this protection won't be enough to hold them off. When the Gates open and Shaabs spawns flood the continent, only warriors of Tartu will stand in the way of Adan's doom.

Players of level 16 and higher can participate in the event.

Items available during the Invasion

Essences of Shaab are magical particles that can be acquired in combats against monsters and other players while Apotropaion of Shaab is equipped. Required to suppor the protective Dome over the Gates of Abyss.  
   Apotropaion of Shaab is a magical artifact that can be used for acquiring Essences of Shaab in combats against monsters and other players. These Essences are required to support the Protective Dome that sorrunds the Gates of Abyss.
Sparks of Abyss are particles of magical energy acquired in combats against creatures of Shaab. Can be traded for unique goods in the Defender of Adan Shop in Knossos Canyon.  
  Eyes of Abyss is an item bestowed by the Gods of Abyss on the strongest of their followers that grants them impressive power - and makes them totally controllable. Component for creating the Maul of Devastation.. Can be acquired by dealing the most damage in combat against one of the monster leaders during the Invasion of Shaab.
  Omnimach Writings are warlock's secret knowledge that can be used to receive a 1-hour-long Wizard's Trick Spell which increases the damage dealt by Striking Spells of all Schools by 10% . Acquire 6 Writings and purchase the Cover of Omnimach Chronicles in the Defender of Adan Shop to put together Chronicles of Omnimach that allow you to summon the mysterious warlock into combat three times.    
Omnimach Chronicles are a collection of mysterious warlock's works that allows to summon him into battle 3 times.  
Amphora of Oblivion - artifact which can be dropped in fights with any monsters, battlegrounds - Arena of Honor, Seven Bridges of Shadan as well as in battles with Inquisitors of Shaab during Invasion of Shaab.  
Cover of Omnimach Chronicles allows to put 6 Omnimach Writings together, forming the Omnimach Chronicles.
Elements of Star Ciklotor collection
Maul of Devastation is a weapon created from Sparks of Abyss, Essences of Shaab and the Eye of Abyss. This weapons was once owned by the Dark God Mahldakh who was defeated by Yarist the Guardian of Order in the First Great War. Grants a chance of instantly killing an enemy when attacking.
Armor of Shadows is a non-durable yet powerful set of armor that can be created from the Sparks of Abyss and Essences of Shaab. Similar items were once worn by warriors of the infamous Cursed Cohort that betrayed Tartu by becoming servants of the Dark Gods. Now the Armor of Shadows will serve against its creators.   

I. Breath of Abyss
(From 12:00 of Day One to 12:00 of Day Two)

Luckily, invasion of Shaab doesn't start all of a sudden. When Dark Gods gather enough strength, the protective Dome above the Knossos Canyon weakens and emanations of lingering suffocating hate spread all around Tartu. This omen of forthcoming doom was named the Breath of Abyss.

In order to prepare warriors for battle with Shaab, warlock Omnimach mal Adintar is handing out Apotropaions of Shaab. These artifacts can be used to acquire Essences of Shaab by slaying monsters and participating in the Arena of Honor, Seven Bridges of Shadan and Sea Battles. Omnimach will then use the Essences to support the protective Dome that seals the Gates of Abyss. 

Tartu's wizards will also need any help they can get. Volunteers are asked to obtain Essences of the six Elements. During the coming 24 hours, defenders of Adan should acquire as many of them as they can and sacrifice them on the Ciklotor – magical energy storage installed in the Knossos Canyon.

Rewards for completing Quests:
• Warriors who complete the main objective of the "Breath of Abyss" Quest by acquiring 750 Essences of Shaab will receive 50 Sparks of Abyss and 250 Defender of Adan Reputation. No more than 750 Essences of Shaab can be gathered. After this number is reached, Essences will no longer be dropped as trophies. If you do not gather the required amount in time, obtained Essences will be automatically exchanged for Sparks of Abyss upon stage ending.
• Warriors who complete the secondary objective of the "Breath of Abyss" Quest will receive a unique Defender of Adan Regalia for their level, with the option of choosing an Item for a certain Class. 750 of any of the following Essences: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Chaos or Order must be sacrificed on the Ciklotor in order to complete the secondary objective. 



Reward for Tartu:
If warriors of Adan obtain the required amount of Essences in time (before the stage ending), all players will be bestowed with the Emperor's Bounty Spell for 24 hours. Under the influence of this Spell, money drops from monsters will be increased by 50%.

After the first stage ends, 5 hours of calm will follow. Upon their expiration, the protective Dome will fall and the armies of Shaab shall enter Tartu.

II. Blood of Dragons
(From 12:00 of Day Two to 20:00 of Day Four)

Unable to withstand the onset of the Dark Gods anymore, protective Dome crumbles. But the armies of Abyss do not haste to carry a frontal attack. Defilers emerge from the Gates of Abyss one by one, quickly negotiating the hills of the Knosson Canyon to disappear from sight on the vast continent of Tartu. Strong and merciless, these monsters are not only dangerous on their own - they also hold Dragon Blood Crystals that bear the Seal of Blight I, a dark Spell that strengthens monsters on the location where the Defiler is

Warriors of Sadar and Vaalor should seek out and destroy the Defilers to acquire trophy Dragon Blood Crystals. Crystals should be activated without any delay so that Omnimach could use the unleashed energy to close the Gates of Abyss and put an end to the invasion.

Reward for completing Quests:
• Warriors who complete the main objective of the "Dragon Blood" Quest by acquiring and activating 125 Dragon Blood Crystals will receive 25 Sparks of Abyss.
• Warriors who complete the secondary objective of the "Dragon Blood" Quest will receive a unique Defender of Adan Regalia for their level. They will be presented with an option of choosing an Item for a ceratin Class. 



Reward for Tartu:
If warriors of Adan activate the required number of Dragon Blood Crystals in time, all players will be bestowed with the Bliss of Courage Spell that increases received Experience by 5%, Valor and Heroism by 10%.

But warriors who battle Defilers should beware the Chill of Blight, an affliction that might strike those who fight creatures of the Dark Gods and will progress during later stages of the event.

III. Priest of Shaab Nakhandar
(From 20:00 to 23:59 of Day Two)

While the scattered Defilers distract warriors of Sadar and Vaalor, rulers of Abyss plan to crush the allied army in one massive offensive.

Gates of Abyss swing open and Priest of Shaab Nakhandar arrives in Knossos Canyon leading a horde of terrifying creatures. With the arrival of Nakhandar, all creatures of Shaab are empowered with the Cry of Blight. In addition to that, Defilers now lay the Seal of Blight II effect on other monsters which increases damage in bigger proportion than Seal of Blight I.

Defenders of Adan will have to go to the Knossos Canyon to participate in a massive clash in which they will have to deal with both Nakhandar and lesser creatures of Abyss.

Reward for participants:
• Warriors will receive Sparks of Abyss for taking part in the battle against Nakhandar. Number of received Sparks depends on dealt damage. 
• Warriors who complete the objective of the "Priest of Nakhandar" Quest by dealing 15000 damage in combat against Nakhandar will receive 25 Sparks of Abyss and 125 Defender of Adan Reputation.
• Warrior who deals the most damage to Nakhandar will get the Eye of Abyss.

IV. Shalsar the Growl of Abyss
(From 20:00 to 23:59 of Day Three)

Creatures of Abyss are unfamiliar with the very idea of fear and no defeat will cool their ardor. Bent on avenging the fallen Priest Nakhandar, Dark Gods of Shaab are throwing even more abysmal hordes against Tartu's allied army. Spearheading them is the leader of northerw wasteland packs - Shalsar the Growl of Abyss

With Shalsar's arrival, all creatures of Shaab are empowered with the Cry of Blight. Additionally, the effect that Defilers bestow other creatures with is improved even further, becoming the Seal of Blight III. Warriors of Tartu will have to stand together in the Knossos Canyon to repel the invaders.

Reward to participants:
• Warriors will receive Sparks of Abyss for taking part in the battle against Shalsar. Number of received Sparks depends on dealt damage. 
• Warriors who complete the objective of the "Shalsar the Growl of Abyss" Quest by dealing 15000 damage in combat against Shalsar will receive 25 Sparks of Abyss and 125 Defender of Adan Reputation.

• Warrior who deals the most damage to Shalsar will get the Eye of Abyss.

V. Tomes of Blight
(From 12:00 of Day Five to 12:00 of Day Six)

The moment when the enemy army falls back to replace the fallen is the best time to carry an unexpected deadly counterattack. Omnimach mal Adintar opened three Portals in the Knossos Canyon that lead into the very heart of Abyss - the Shaab Acropolis.

But the main goal of landing parties is not destroying the enemy but rather searching for information about the disturbing sickness that some of Tartu's warriors have been diagnosed with. Each Portal leads to a place where one of the Tomes of Blight is being held under protection of powerful guards. Portals can be be visited in a certain order, each consequent available after the monster leader in the previous one has been defeated.

Abyss Spawns and their leader - Shaalez Iron Grip - are awaiting you in the Hall of Suffering.
Altar of Devolution is guarded by rhuns, creatures whose origin remains unknown to scientists of Tartu. Their leader's name is Dabar Earth Tremor.
Bridge of the Damned is under the protection of Defilers and their leader  Oracle of Shaab Khalifar.

Enter the Portals one by one, get through the guards and bring Omnimach the following: Chill of Blight Tome, Heat of Blight Tome and Blaze of Blight Tome. Apart from the books, you might also receive Omnimach Writings as trophies in the Abyss. 

They can be used immediately to receive a 1-hour long Wizard's Trick effect that increases the damage from Striking Spells of all Schools of Magic by 10% - or you can collect 6 Writings, purchase a Cover of Omnimach Chronicles in the Defender of Adan Shop and put together the Omnimach Chronicles that allow to summon the warlock into combat 3 times.

Rewards for completing Quests:
• Warriors who complete the objective of Chill of Blight Tome Quest will receive 100 Defender of Adan Reputation and 20 Sparks of Abyss.
• Warriors who complete the objective of Heat of Blight Tome Quest will receive 150 Defender of Adan Reputation and 30  Sparks of Abyss.
• Warriors who complete the objective of Blaze of Blight Tome Quest will receive 250 Defender of Adan Reputation and 50 Sparks of Abyss.

VI. Corpuscles of Wrath
(From 12:00 of Day Six to 12:00 of Day Seven)

Inexplicable things are starting to happen all around Tartu. Though Gates of Abyss are shut, Defilers keep appearing in Adan, attacking other warriors in the Arena of Honor, Seven Bridges of Shadan and Sea Battles and accumulating the mysterious Corpuscles of Wrath. In turn, warriors of Tartu do everything they can to dispose of this enemy.

Wizards are trying really hard to keep the Gates closed, but actions of Shaab's creatures who infiltrated pour woкld frustrate their efforts. Once again the magical protection is slowly yet inexorably fading and on the other sude Adan's worst enemy is stretching its enormous wings.

Reward for completing Quests:
• Warriors receive Defender of Adan Reputation and Sparks of Abyss according to their contribution.

For warriors who turned into Defilers only one Quest will be available - "Will of the Dark Gods".
Defilers cannot:
• complete any other Quests;
• use Professions;
• summon their Dragons;
• create Groups and Raids or stay in current Groups and Raids;
• participate in Tournaments of Honor;
• use Wraith Spheres;
• receive money drops from monsters.


VII. Arkahshul Conqueror of the Worlds
(From 20:00 to 23:59 of Day Seven)

Defilers achieved their goal and the protective Dome in Knosson Canyon collapsed. Gates of Abyss swing wide open to make way for the dreadful Dragon Arkahshul Conqueror of the Worlds who is coming to Tartu to break down the exhausted defenders of Adan and throw the world at his masters' feet.

Battle against Conqueror of the Worlds is the most dramatic moment of Shaab's invasion. Its outcome determines whether Blight-bearers will conquer Adan or warriors of Tartu will successfully defend their home, banishing the enemy from this world and sealing the Gates of Abyss. 

Reward for participation:
• Warriors who take part in battle against Arkahshul and his horde will receive Sparks of Abyss and Defender of Adan Reputation. Amount of received reward depends on player's contribution.
• Warriors who complete either "Battle with the Conqueror of Worlds" Quest by dealing 5000 damage or "Be With Us!" by dealing 15000 damage in combat against Arkahshul Conqueror of the Worlds will receive 25 Sparks of Abyss and 125 Defender of Adan Reputation.
• Warrior who deals the most damage to Arkahshul Conqueror of the Worlds will receive an Eye of Abyss.


Rage of the Elements


The strangest thing has befallen our world. Portals of Elements appear all around the continent of Tartu, devouring fluids of magic. Even the Elder Dragons themselves are affected by this new plight, which distorts magical energies, making the life of spellcasters harder.

But weakened magic is only half the trouble. Hordes of Elemental Monsters spurt through the Portals, attacking inhabitants of both Empires. If the Portals are not closed quickly, magic could leave Adan altogether, making it easy prey for the dark armies of Shaab.

Follow the instructions of Archmage Myratella Kharmai and complete 6 Quests to close the Portals of Fire, Earth, Order, Chaos, Water, and Air. To do so, you will have to fight for magical particles called Quintars.

A large number of Quintars can be acquired in the following PvP combats:

Arena of Honor
Seven Bridges of Shadan
Tournament of Honor
King of the Hill
Sea Battles

A smaller number of Quintars can be received in combats against Elemental Monsters:
• by attacking Portals that are objectives of Myratella Kharmai's current Quest.

As the Event starts, Rage of the Elements VI will significantly reduce Mana generation. Additionally, two Elemental Monsters interfere with each PvE combat that you participate in.


You can gradually weaken the Rage of the Elements by completing a series of Myratella Kharmai's Quests. When you finish the last sixth Quest, the effect will be lifted. 

Mana Elixirs Hero of the Empire
Hero of the Empire
Portal of Fire Faltanar's Apiary and Crystal Meadow Rage of the Elements VI 5 1 20
Portal of Earth Aldorian Road and Mines of Tagol Rage of the Elements V 10 2 30
Portal of Order
Eastern and Western Graveyards Rage of the Elements IV 15 3 40
Portal of Chaos
Cape Wyvern and Helgar's Brewery Rage of the Elements III 20 4 60
Portal of Water
Pond of Tribulation and Watermill Rage of the Elements II 30 6 80
Portal of Air
Valdian Forest, Strekade nests and Eldiren's Farmstead Rage of the Elements I 35 10 100

If you don't remove all the Rage of the Elements effects by the end of the Event, you will be inflicted with the Elemental Collapse of respective level, which reduces you Characteristics. 

Conquerors of Abyss

Warlock Omnimach had a dream. He dreamed of eternal twilight that reigns in the Abyss; of towers and dungeons illuminated by flashes of blinding light; of boiling cauldrons the size of house that emit a heavy nauseating stench; of forbidden spells cast by dark wizards whose chanting mixes into a terrible cacophony. Suddenly, a splash - and a creature so dreadful emerges from the sticky ooze that even its creators take a step back, raising their deadly staffs defensively. Dark gods learn from their mistakes. This time, the army of terrifying abominations, the Inquisitors of Abyss, will be unstoppable...

High Magi of Sadar and Valor are force to make a hard decision. There is no time to be wasted; the army of Abyss can't be allowed to spawn more of these monstrosities to invade Adan. By the means of Particles of Original Chaos, the magi are able top open a portal to any place in the multiverse. However, getting these particles won't be easy. Ever since Shaab's last invasion, defiled monsters rove in Adan, who can be easily recognized by eerie crystals protruding from their bodies. Seek out and destroy these monsters or take part in battles in the Arena of Honor, Seven Bridges of Shadan or Vortex of the Trapped Souls to obtain Particles of Original Chaos. When enough of these magical items are acquired, portal to the Abyss will be opened. Best warriors of Adan will then have to assault the Citadel of the Inquisitors to destroy the enemy's elite force while they're still few in numbers. Also, defenders of Adan will have to extract Amplifars from Inquisitors' bodies, special magical items that grant the Inquisitors their uncanny power.

Players of level 16+ are allowed to take part in this Event.

1. Original Chaos

High Mage Myratella Kharmai is calling upon protectors of Adan who must help the Magi gather Particles of Iriginal Chaos, a mysterious substance that can create corridors in the fabric of reality, bridging different realms.

These particles can be acquired in small amounts when fighting monsters whose level is one below, equal or higher than your character's. Beware that monsters during Event will be stronger than usual. If you want a higher chance of getting the particles, fight other players in Arena of Honor or Seven Bridges of Shadan. Finally, the biggest reward await those warriors who are brave enough to venture into one of the most dangerous places of all, Vortex of Trapped Souls.

During this Event, defiled monsters will join battles against standart enemies. Defeating them will increase your supply of Particles of Original Chaos.

To help the Magi open the portals, warriors can also gather 750 Essences of one of the magical Elements. When you have enough, go to the Knossos Canyon, locate the Ciklotor and sacrifice the Essences.

• Warriors who obtain 500 Particles of Original Chaos, will earn Experience according to their level as well as 50 Defender of Adan Reputation.
• Those who bring 750 magical Essences of any of the six will earn 150 Defender of Adan Reputation.

During the Conquerors of Abyss Event, you have a chance of receiving elements of Star Ciklotor Collections when fighting monsters or other players. These elements are transferable and can be sold at the Auction as well as purchased from Skinflint Bron during the Event. Brave warriors who complete the Collections will be rewarded with 150 Experience and 100 Defender of Adan Reputation.


Please note that elements of the Star Ciklotor Collection can only be acquired during the Event.


Also, during Event's first stage, you may acquire a unique trophy called Amphora of Oblivian. Purchase a Key of Oblivion in Upgrades section of the Shop and open the Amphora to get  Sparks of Abyss and Defender of Adan Reputation.

Additionally, the Amphora may contain Omnimach's Chronicles, elements of the Star Ciklotor Collection and even the Eye of Abyss, the main component for creating Tartu's ultimate weapon, the Maul of Devastation.

2. Citadel of Inquisitors

After the portal in the Knossos Canyon is opened, warriors of Tartu will have to venture into the Abyss to destroy those in charge of creating the army of Inquisitors. Besides killing the creatures, our brave heroes will have to extract Amplifars from their bodies, magical items that grant the Inquisitors their unparalleled power.


During combats with the Inquisitors you may obtain Amphoras of Oblivion and elements of the Star Ciklotor Collection.

Additionally, servants of the darks gods may drop a Key to Shaab's Treasury which can be used to open any treasury in the Citadel of Inquisitors. Open one to be rewarded with Defender of Adan Repuation and a chance of obtaining Sparks of Abyss or Amphoras of Oblivion.

• Warriors who together with their friends strike down 10 Inquisitors of Abyss will earn Experience according to their level as well as 200 Defender of Adan Reputation (please note that only players who receive the Amplifar will get the kill for the Inquisitor).