Trade limit

there should be a limit to how many trades one person can do of an item. There is a person that did 30 for spark of inceptions and most are for over 20 hours because of that mine and others do not show on the list. I have to pay taxes on each post a...

Bad tactics

WHy am I fighting a high level bot in Arena taking damage and costing me unnessesary money ..............I really think that has got to stop I am talking about --Minerva-- and I am sure there are others


just a suggestion but maybe in say fishing for instance we should be given the chance to defend our nets instead of them being destroyed ...... thank you

Player made armor

You have armor that can be made in game that requires the player to get a spell cast on them, then go hunt the mobs that drop the pieces. Some of the armor requires a large amount of mats but yet the mobs that drop those mats don't do it often. In fa...

Moving around with an Hd Screen.

It probably seems like alot, but your ratings would go up TREMENDOUSLY. If you give us a screen where we can click to move around as a character we created, i believe the already amazing game would be extravagant. And it would be really cool if you h...

Owning your own Castle

We should be allowed to buy or build or win are own castle with servants after you get to a certain level.a place for you & your dragon & clan & so on.maybe even have battle between castles.kingjon


where are the better weapons, level 15 witcher with level 6 axes just doesnt work well, fought a level 15 Sinra Hunter with 863 hpts and while he hit for well over 100 points per hit i was lucky to get anywhere near 100, 93 was my highest,and at the ...

arenas and belts

i know that you made arena, tournament and bridges so that when considering the level it would be fair, but when you consider belts it all goes wrong way.

for example if we have 2 players on one side without belts and 2 on the other side with belt...

Get rid of the replicant

Its not fair that i have to fight a copy of a player thats already twice to 3 lvl higher then me in the arenas I don't mind waiting longer to fight a real person Heck half the time I go recruiting more people myself anyways

Stance at beginning of battle

You should make a system that allows you to choose what stance you enter battle with.


i have observed how some high level players wreith themselves and attack way lower level players , some even been complaining about how rude some of high level players are in pms to them 1s those attacked try to complain of it , i think the game shou...

Orbs for magic

You guys should add orbs that increase magic damage like the Orbs of strength increase melee damage

P.S I Have permission from Elite Vanguard to say he thought it was a awesome idea! lol

My Thought and ideas

Firstly can we get a PvP arena so people can actually get valor as there are very few high levels. On this note it would also be a great idea to amend arena so that if less than 4 people instead of the 'unfortunately you're alone and bored' message, ...

group only quests

what about quests where you can only complete if you are in a group.... like kill something x 500 and kills only count if those in your group participate.

dragon orbs

orbs that dragons can use like those that already exist
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