Authentication Error

Anyone else? Can't get back on with any of my toons on Nova.

ok - not as bad as could be, but I have an eye going and mana pots to use. I hope this is fixed quickly, every minute is costing me money and i'm trying to recover from the RoE losses.
"> fix quick!
Was on for a couple minutes before I got authentication error just started some miners going so will not be pleased if this is a re-run of the nonsense at the start of the year as despite ihit assuring us they were looking into giving us 'treats' to make up for lost resources it never happened and if ihit comes on with the same assurances I suggest we all post 'yeah thats what you said last time'.
Hehe, ROFL, I'm still on :P And I logged back in on alt...still np.......
Same here
Lucky Punk! lol I'm Jealous
Storm Kat,

Lmao :P
same here wont let me on most of my alts as well
It's not even letting me make toon on luna
Lmao, wow...but hehe! Still on :P
Wow. That sucks! Why'd you break it? ">
is your fault Storm lol

I can no longer log into any of my alts either. This is crap. We were told that after New Year's crashes, we'd be getting treats. We got diddly squat. Now we have another crash, and are getting screwed AGAIN. more than likely wont get anything this time either. WTF ADMINS!!!!!!!!!!
Still getting Authentication Error here also. DE never did give us anything for the last crash. Maybe they're all on there way to the bank.

I can no longer log into any of my alts either. This is crap. We were promised treats after New Year's crashes, got diddly squat. Now we are getting screwed again, and I'm sure we wont get anything this time. WTF ADMINS!!!!!!!!!!
*ignores the very tempting comment and goes and play on aer* :P
Novinha I agree with you ..this is starting to get really irratating

Lmao, Raging Lil Novi ">"> They better give us something though, they said we were going to get us something after New nothing..
If we get nothing this time...."> Bullshit.
Here is pointless game. Where is the administration ">">
well they most be getting ready to do another update
storm name on aer

LMAO I aint raging yet. I'm keeping calm right now
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