A new hex

Maybe a hex that can be bought upon achieving 1k clan reputation: "The deserted hex" ">! The person who gets it can't warp or sail back to Adan and is stuck in the Archipelago for ...h (fill in the wanted time ">).
Or how about it makes a random clan lose all its members and disband (even a lv 3 clan), and it only costs 1 silver
Marcus the Wise,
that's something else lol
But it runs the risk of being your own clan!
And there's a 1% chance that it could shut down the entire game and delete all the code, files, etc.!!!">">
Marcus the Wise,
That would be no update
Maybe a hex that makes the other clan not able to surrender for 24 hours.
And the hex cost 5g, and cost 10g to remove.
It doesn't keep you out of pvp or anything, jus an affect/curse.
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