Hunt Rep Mount
Can we please have a Hunter rep mount. Also unlike other mounts that are permanent, can a hunter mount be called from creating an idol.
Possibly around 7k rep, (so blue level) and with a health just slightly less than a hero mount.
Possibly around 7k rep, (so blue level) and with a health just slightly less than a hero mount.
As for hunter mounts being called from an idol, I can see that happening somewhere around 37k or 81k hunter rep and the mount being weaker than a protector mount (say, about the strength of a green spiketail?).
By having a mount that you can only summon occasionally, it's not detracting from people who want to buy a regular mount.
i) By having it weaker than a Hero or Bonecrusher mount you’re not devaluing those mounts.
ii) It means that non-pay players or player on low incomes can compete occasionally with those players that have spent money.
iii) Because it is hard to obtain it shouldn’t stop players wanting a regular mount or trying to achieve a better mount if they can afford one.
iv) It’s keep things interesting.
You're probably right though Marcus having it at the higher level rep might be better since the higher levels have the greater disparity in strength.
But I'd then like it to be nearly as strong as the equivalent level hero or bonecrusher mounts.
Well, when I said easy, I meant that hunter collections cost less to complete than other reps collections for which you get mounts if you buy collection pieces off of AH.
That's why we don't have 7b mounts or gladiator mounts :P