Server connection crashes and other issues

After my connections crashed serveral times while watching hd streams, having other games life with no connection errors etc, and further commonly see many people crashing at the same time, i really asume that it has something to do with the server stability or the connection stability.

DC´s happen and will ever happened and i see that there is no way to make the game 100% stable so i figured out another idea.
How about making the pve, single player combats stop when the player dc´s or doesnt act fore more then e.g. 1 min, 2 rounds etc instead of just killing him.

It should not be that hard to do because the game can realise if anyone joines the combat or it is single player. (combat chat popping up when sb joins) and the game recognises afk Players. (timeout kill)

Just some facts about this. I know that its now the server itself crashing or beeing unstable its the connection. And i know its most of the times not the games fault but the players getting dced, but it would be a nice addition to the game and it would not hurt anyone.

Espacially for Hunters its very painfull to die while doing Profession because its very expensive compared to the outcome
yeah, I crash a lot too.
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