Battle Betting
Make a place at colo or winery where you can bet on current pvp battles happening in adan, should also close off chat to people in battle grounds so they can not throw the fight... Or maybe make it so you can bet on yourself to win before you enter a pvp area and if you win you get your money back + some so you would also be able to win money in pvp not just valor exp and broken armor.
I don't like this at all, what if someone gets a message and needs to reply real quick...also they can just talk with an alt.
Overall I like the idea of battle betting, but there need to be very serious measures against fraud.
Also should be restricted to major tournaments such as IW or ToH, otherwise I could just bet on myself winning against lv 4 warriors XD And of course, betting takes place before start of battle (give a 30 second window before qualifying round starts)