PvP matchmaking should base on valor not level.

After playing for 2 weeks, and reading through forum i think this game has flaw. It's the valor and experience thing. Experience gets you level, and level makes you appear strong in matchmaking, which is not very accurate. Valor is a more accurate measure of strength. That's why people advise players to have as low experience as possible in relation to valor. So he can appear weak in pvp but in fact very strong.

Advices go like this - player are to gain experience only through pvp because that's unavoidable, and he is to gain no exp in any other way. Can't even do gathering profession because you also gain experience there, buy your raw meaterials instead etc. etc. All this take away so much game features and fun. No random monster killing just because you feel like it, you gain exp there.

Easy solution. pvp matchmaking should base on valor not level. Can this be done? what u think?

You'd have to take into account the fact someone can be a level 24 soldier of 2nd blood yet be at a disadvantage to a level 28 soldier of first blood simple because of buffs available and the fact they can have soldier belt.
It's not gonna make it fair in every single case. But i still think valor is a more accurate measure of strength. Besides it's not easy to be high valor without being high level, cos you gain exp along with valor. To be high level without valor on the other hand is very doable. Using valor as rank in pvp allow more ways to play the game, not just pvp and no no to all others.
Agreed with Hells, besides not every two teams are equally matched or it'd be down to luck...due to gear and buff availability level is the best way to organize.
What about taking both level and valor into account? Would that be better than just level alone?

I'm a third blood recruit (alt) at level 35 yet most times I out do soldiers in my bracket due to their level as I have better jewellery etc available. Combination would make more sense of both valor & level as you said.
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