Petition to Ban the rage of the elements event.
We the undersigned are petitioning to NEVER have the rage of the elements event again. It was terrible the first time terrible the second time and this time it is even worse because it is interfering with the Halloween event an event that only happens ONCE a year and something we the players avctually like. Please for once listen to us.
valor+hero rep are awesome things to get from an event
I totally agree with both of you. Rage of the elements would rock if it weren't for all the crap like PVE interference. And this interference has royally screwed me.
Agree, do this or remove it.
1. The monsters that pop up are in instances as well as normal fights. (5 person group = 5 to "10" extra monsters to fight.
2. Monster pop up in Hunting profession. Result: Domino effect. Players can not hunt, after 2 days no more hunting Items on auction. Result: No Items for potions to be made. Result: Players cannot make money except by battling, however players can not battle because of the 1-2 monsters added to each battle.
3. It costs more to battle than U can make money during this time.
4. Causes players to fight in the arena at a massive level. Too much money used for broken weaponry and armor will force players to stop playing during this time.
Possible Solution: Just remove the effect of the 1-2 monsters added into battle. (You don't really need 1-2 monsters added to the portals anyways)
Or U could have the added monster attack at 1/2 or 1/3 power. (let them be more of a annoyance then a threat enough to force pple to use big potions potions 4 safety.)
This one is a pretty big problem, It has the potential to force players to not play until the event passes.
Also, during a 5 day period, those that have jawbones will price them ridiculously high. 5 days is a while, you know