Clan Leaders

I realize not all Clan leaders are the best, and that not everyone in a clan may like their leaders..... But clan leaders go through so much on a daily basis that I think it would be good for people in clans to step back and see all that is done for them. They have a sea of red when they log in, they deal with every day problems from each and every person in the clan. They stop fights and often wars, they help so much being a clan leader making sure every one is happy and have what they need most of them never get to play the game.

I think it would be a good thing, if DE made a clan leader day. Just one day in between all the events to give thanks for those who take some much time out just to help.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you will think about doing this for those amazing leaders. ">
This sounds a cool idea. except Arc shouldn't get anything because he throws rocks at me all the time and keep me locked up under a boulder.
that would be awesome or people can stop giving them grief about what they are doing wrong with their clan instead of hitting on them or cussing at them
Sounds a great idea to me
I agree how may people stop to think or know what they go through? Just one day stop and say thank you.... we would not have clans if someone was not willing to go the extra mile. I know I wouldn't want the job lol
Sounds like it could be fun, except can we exclude Arc from getting anything please as he throws rocks at me ALL the time and he keeps me under a boulder. He only lets me out when he needs me to make something ">
Concur with Asa, they deserve props for all they do for us people...
Great idea!
yh would be nice most clan leaders i know tell me the hardship they go through daily and some others they don't even need to tell me anything as i can already tell they give their all for their clan....these people deserve our full respect
I love it!
I have been in both positions now. I was so very thankful for all the help when I was a lower player, but now I am so in awe of the times that the clan leader took the time to guide or help me through the things I needed help with. I think this would be a great idea. To all those who helped me get to where I am, not only My Alpha but all the others, I want to use this and say," Thank you very much for all you did to help me."
Like Asa i would also like to say thanks to everyone. I do what i do for my clannies just to see them grow and have fun. While I appreciate the thought for all the leaders I do get my thanks everyday seeing them grow and find out new things. But very nice idea Chloe and thank you and everyone for recognizing the leaders it can be rough at times but hey wont stop me lol.
someone has to keep you from running amuck
dont forget its a full time job keeping you out of trouble
i would like to say chloe thank you for what you have said. but i would also like to say thank you for all you have done for your friends as well
Ohh thank-you so much. I have not done much of anything, I am just me I promise.... I wish I could help more or be more than I am able to for others sometimes. The only thing I know to do is try to help others remember there are real people behind the names, and to take the time to realize it...

Hugs to all of you
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