
Although I do have a miner alt I stick to pond to avoid the hassle , however I've heard that some players mine with alts and then defend it with their main character. Perhaps a rule should be introduced to stop this. Seems unfair for main players characters trying to start their mining thinking they can attack a low levels mine who's taking up multiple spaces to then have a high level character jump in. If they wish to keep their mines they should put the effort in to make their alts strong, of course the main character could take the mine back after but at least this way things would be a bit more fair.
i agree with this lol then the lower lv miners wont be as afraid of attacking alts as much
yea, because almost nobody from low lvl dears to attack mines cus nobody knows who's alt it is
I'm not a miner so this might be wrong. If a mine is attacked the miner defends, correct? If that is correct then a higher level character of the same players isn't allowed to jump in as they will have two toons in the same fight which is against the rules. As I said not being a miner I don't know if this is correct.

If a mine is attacked the miner defends but also players are free to join the fight, however seems rather wrong that say a level 10 miner alt is defended by their level 50 main character during these fights.
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