Make New Reputations!

I love reputations - they are infatuating! I am obsessed with them - I am so obsessed that I want to make it as real as possible - making sure I really get the drops b4 just buying it flat out! I can then surely really really have been worthy! At least that's how I try to play and imagine having to have fun and get new gear that I use appropriately. "> But what I notice in the game is that it is slow right? Reputations like reach up to 16k for many types of gear and 7k at least for the majority. I know its really not that hard! But in the meanwhile - I could surely earn more reputations! If there were more, I would have more stuff to do and to play or work with! "> For an example hows making a reputation for killing or confrontation! It's easy just get reps for making a kill! "> - Or another example - A reputation for clans or clan wars! Other then Heroism. Maybe clans can get reputations like Accolade reputations where they receive from the game a tribute or resource allocated to them. "> "> Just thinking about it again hat reputations like grouping and getting reputations - or raids - participating in elite hunting/instances etc. could lend a novel sentiment for a reputation which will discount buying gifts or game prices like joining clans - why not even shop prices! "> Finally I would like to suggest this: Fighter reputations - where fighting in AOH/7B and battlegrounds will earn you this reputation with that you can buy fighter weapons and armor which can be suitable for all classes and used with class based gear "> - While I am dreaming of more reputations - why not add more items too - 7B Wargs! or Gladiator Phials. ">Have one special class of reputations for professions too - then if you want to find a jeweller who has 3k is too an alchemist who has 3k for a Scaling reputation to buy special ingredients to mix a poisonous venom for use in battle to cause a toxic ailment which reduces your opponents stamina when he is cut by your weapon! "> How about more ideas? Last few I have: Mount reputations which can get by mounting, Sea Battle reputations by joining sea battle like 7B style, Dragon reputations for summoning dragons, higher damage reputations, more reputations like hunting/protector such as Creature Lure by setting traps like hunter professions but actually luring a creature into it for reps, Ambush reputations for hiding in the area for a few minutes until you get a ambush to attack a group of buruls, Treasure hunting reputations like maybe hunting for drops which actually are special treasure hunting collection items - or actually hunt treasure in the map for reputations from a quest like protector - and finally a similar to protector quest style Police reputation or Guard of Aden "> Well thanks for reading my suggestion and good luck and have fun "> - ">">">
Blacksmith reps! Make blue weps/armor and get reps to make some more - Then make blue weps/armor for level 30+ like the green set but no need legionnaire -also make jewelery blue and green - even make purple ones both jewelery and weps/armor.
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