Clan Quests

maybe we could have a weekly clan quest or something like that
they could be like:
- have a clan war this week
-clan must x amount of pvp's this week
- clan must defeat special elite this week
-clan must do a total of x damage in pvp's this week

quest should start every monday and end every sunday so they is a time limit on the quest and the pvp quest standards should be set pretty high i think depending on the amount of members in clan.

the reward for these quests could be either:
- x amount of gold added in clan chest
- special buffes
-a rep that players could use i.e-hero rep / pvp reps(gladiator)(7b) or something like that

well that's my idea feel free to tell me what you guys think good or bad or just improvements">">

zoro ">
this sounds like a good idea.
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