Clan Instances

Could have instances that can be done by clans. They would be multiple stages at least 3 or 4. On the map The Wilds is pretty big and undeveloped. The first stage could be exploration. At the end of the first stage you found a secret society that wishes to do harm to your people. The second stage could be gathering intel on this society. The third can be fighting this society. The 4th stage you found out that the leaders of the society before they were defeated unleashed a dangerous weapon and you have to take care of it. Taking care of the weapon could also take an extra stage. These stages would offer rewards for xp, valor, and/or heroism, and/or a unique clan item and/or a combination of rewards. Each stage depending on the difficulty would give a different amount of rewards. There would be different instances available depending on the lvl of the clan. Each clan member can and would be expected to participate and only those participating would get rewards. Each instance can only be done by clan members that have been with the clan...say at least a week or avoid people joining clans just for instances.
This is just a brief outline of a possible clan instance and a try at some sample rules to go along with it.
Please post any thoughts on other clan instances, other rules, etcetera and hopefully will be added.
Instances also don't have to necessarily based on the map. Could be like an event but a clan orientated event.
the clan orientated event sounds cool

maybe we could have a weekly clan quest or something like:
- have a clan war this week
-clan must x amount of pvp's this week
- clan must defeat special elite this week
-clan must do a total of x damage in pvp's this week

quest should start every monday and end every sunday so they is a time limit on the quest and the pvp quest standards should be set pretty high i think depending on the amount of members in clan.

the reward for these quests could be either:
- x amount of gold added in clan chest
- special buffes
-a rep that players could use i.e-hero rep / pvp reps(gladiator)(7b) or something like that
well that's my idea feel free to tell me what you guys think good or bad or just improvements
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zoro ">
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