New Auction House rules

Ever since the new implementation of multiple characters, the Auction House has become very corrupted. A certain individual, (I won't name names) easily floods the market with his overpriced sparks of inception, then uses his other alt characters to either upbid the competition off the list or manipulate his own stuff so it sits within the top of the bidding list. It has become increasing difficult to even "get a spot" on the AH list because of this monopolizing. Please create some new rules or something. Maybe individuals can only have a certain number of AH items at a time that way everyone gets a fair share on the list.
next time you wanna post about one of my clan mates Snilx talk to me first. and its not just one person doing it theirs multiple people flooding AH with multiple different items that are over priced. Dont center people out because you cant sell your stuff quit your whinning
and its come to my attention that your using the same tactics you just described in your post so why complain that its happen and then go and do it yourself? your whole post is pointless if your going to do what your suggesting to stop
I've added an important suggestion that inhibits such tactics yet you still cling to childish insults. Please expand your mind beyond the typical mr. sphinx. If you incorporate limited AH trades per individual, You guys won't have this flooding problem anymore.
yes but your post is you complaining about the tactics being used in AH and a suggestion of how to make things better. but then you go and use the same tactics that your complaining about and want fixed
I actually suggested this before too and support the idea behind it but the actual flooding problem would still exist as it would just shift to multiple characters hence i feel your post having an ambiguous alterior motive.
Problem is multiple :
-the 50 limit view of items
-the inaptitude of a lot of players to use auction correctly to find items
-split decisions where people buy out while they should bid

your solution is only a possible and partial solution for the first one ;
others might be :
-multiple pages of results (but maybe not possible depending on DB)
-don't limit the number of possible auction items but the number of bids on auction for a person

The other 2 factors can be mnimized but not ruled out hence the problem will still exist.
But it could be minimized by for example:
- a confirm message for lot buyout with number of items and price per item shown
- advertising the price per item instead of total prices both for bid as for buyout, as that is the most important one anyway (<< i like this one, and it is already there on hoovering )
- more extensive quest for even being able to use the auction

Other suggestions i woud like to add :
-possibility to buy out a certain amount of items from a stack instead of buying the whole stack ( << i really like this suggestions :) )
-removal of the name from who you are buying
-automatic devaluation of buyout price on items like for instance every hour or 2 hours with a certain percentage
-a countdown on number of times an item can be traded untill the final version is non transferable (countdown could vary depending on item and would be given on creation or drop and those items would stack seperately and for consumables the lowest countdown would get priority for using,i like this one too)

-the partial buy of a stack could have multiple further possibilities , like automatic buyout of lowest buyout when crafting items
Other suggestions for auction might be :
-being able to buy part of a stack instead of the entire stack
-countdown on number of times an item can be transferred
-automatic devaluation of buyout price over time ( like a certain % less every few hours ).
Hence that is why I suggested limited AH trades per individual, to stop this insanity BurialSphinx. Please try to add something constructive to this rather then jump on to your emotions. To take the idea further, putting restrictions on bidding from other accounts would also do justice.
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