A few suggestions

1. A new Class - well so far we have Witcher, Paladin and Berserker all of which have there inherit benefits, i was thinking of a new type of class- Mage - A mage has lower general stats than the other classes apart from the one that increases magic power which will be higher than the other classes, the mage has its own set of weapons, i was thinking either a staff or A bow and arrows (much like Gabrillas), this would also mean that they would have a higher mana pool and gain mana quicker

2. Gold to Real Exchange - Simple really in the way you change reals into gold, however the Gold to Real rate would be 2:1 or 3:1 gives non coiners a chance to get some good gear

3.Miners cost less - to me they seem a bit expensive for the amount they give you in reward for cost and time taken

these are only a few, ill probably think of more and if i do i will just add onto this post ">
They won't put in a gold to real system because would lead to spenders paying less and people being less likely to spend, miners cost can simply be out done by using better quality mines, if they were so expensive coal and quartz prices would go up to counter act it. The new class I don't think is a great idea because each class already has a magic which each class has one magic they specialise in so would seem pointless having a class devoted to magic, also it would mess with the witcher < paladin < berserker < witcher battle system currently in game so you'd have to think of an alternative for that.
got another one:

4: when viewing map, the map shows areas you can gain profession like with prospector it shows where you can mine, how about you can click on the map and set them to mine without having to be in the location
Another idea,

5: timed production of professions, for example you buy a miner, set miner 1 to work for 1hr=50 quartz, 2hr = 110 quartz, 3hr = 170quartz, 4hr = 250 and so on

i think this would be good as you can set it to gather a lot more while you are offline sleeping
number 6 lol

6: A new event day of prosperity (something like that) when you gain double your professions so mining gives 100 at a time
Even have it that you get double the amount for half the time, this would only happens 2 times a month
even more

7: Facebook/Twitter bonuses i.e - Follow this link to earn 30S - insert link - you can do this with other items as well

8: The abiltiy to sell items from Skrag caves, i recently won the Paladin Hammer, of which i have completely no use with being a witcher and instead just dismantled it, would be good to sell it to someone else

9: If you have purchased/bought the tavern, after battle if you win an item you have the option to send it to the tavern
10: if u summon your dragon into combat it also earns the type of dragons essence :)
gabrillas should have a spell like 'seal of spark of inception searching'
i disagree sparks are a big part in the game and making them easier to get would be wrong

Sethongabrillas should have a spell like 'seal of spark of inception searching'

11: an item in the shop for 30s and it will give you half of your travel meter back
12: when in a group you can set the loot to be keep what they earn
you dont want much then lol
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