Personal Privacy on Guard Application (plus auction & mail suggestions)

I recently found out that if people apply for a guard position, it is an open forum. I've never heard of this..I was a mod, and an admin. Never could other people see these types of things when it came to real life question as such.

Why not make this private so only those that decide can see real names,e-mail addresses etc? This open forum..deters people who could take maybe some of the load off of the current mods.

Maybe be able to add a slight description in auction, and private e-mail for players. Some who fight in quests are countries apart. It would be a nice little feature to be able to set up quest meeting times without one or the other waiting to talk with say an 8 hour time difference. Some are going to bed, as some are getting up.This way, through a small allowance of characters in the mail,we can prepare ahead of time and meet, instead of hours of waiting for our friend or group players :)
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