Locked fights

I would like it be nice for us to be able to lock our fight as in when we do insignia we could lock/password lock it so people don't join when you do not want them to join
It is nearly always an accident when someone joins, during daily event battles. It can happen if you select your target but don't enter combat immediately.

Not always quite often in the lower brackets you get poor players who repeatedly join fights of others to leech off as they are too weak to compete on their own which often disadvantages other players
i actually quite like this idea :) i can just about kill one of the deydri avengers by myself....had several occasions where people have joined and just sat there....a lock/limit of some sort would be nice (like only being able to join the same fight as a 'group' member?)
idk what to say but i hate it when ppl join my fight when i keep saying on main chat dont join my fight i wish there was a lock on isignia fights
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