REALLY fixing the economy of Dragon Eternity

ok so i have this really cool idea. it can fix the economy without the assistance from the admins...etc. i believe now that dragon eternity is big enough for the players to take "control" of the economy( i don't mean this literally per-say, continue reading). Over the past 6 months or so the prices in ah for certain items have practically doubled hurting the players and the creators of the game. so before you say just make so many and deal with it look at the facts, people realize that if they want to they can sell there items really high now maybe they wont sell at first but soon others catch on and u see prices rising. If this continues it will take a lot to fix the economy( trust me i have seen it before). so how do we fix this issue i think i have the answer it will take some thought and i want all the players to give there insight because this requires the players assistance. okay now finally to my idea, so i used to play this game and there was a player who was the richest player in the entire game( and this was a really populated game) in this game they have something similar to the Action House we have they call it the grand exchange( i think i can say that much). so this player would do something called Grand Exchange buyouts, this is when he would buy all of a single item at retail price and with all those items he can thus change the market for that item makes sense right? okay so once he bought all those items he would sell them at an appropriate price(possibly the admins can determine a good general price but i don't know just a thought). so in the end the players get money for selling there items and the market for that item can change to benefit the players. now this requires a player who everyone trusts(because dragon eternity is still generally small compared to the game i mentioned) who has a lot of many and will gladly use it to benefit the game this can even be a guardian (i don't know just another thought.). if this is something we can do legitimately i will give the exact details on how we can do this using the Auction House of are game like the player used the Grand Exchange in the other game. Now this obviously cant happen over night but it can happen please tell me what u think honestly i want to know if this is something u believe can work, players, guardians and all.
yes but we also have the polar opposite where things have started to get lower and lower such as profession items and even sparks which can not be solved by the players, because the players themselves are trying to get them all as cheap as possible by trading within the trade rules to themselves
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