Horned Demon23
PvP option
Would be a good idea to introduce a pvp similar to arena of honor were summons such as dragon and skellies are locked rather then players having to fork out for shackles every time they want to pvp without having individuals summon a miniature army that increase our xp gain which alot of players try to reduce!
dragon's are mostly used for caving and elites for some people that's about all their used for, also after a while people start to learn and realise more valor and less exp is better and makes you a more kick-ass player
Your the type of player who doesn't think ahead Summon all you like outside of arena but in arena your causing me to gain more xp as well as yourself which makes no sense as players want to avoid xp gain
Horned Demon,
Horned Demon,
your also a reals player with real life money bought armor maybe you shouldn't be allowed to use that armor vs people with just green armor in this new pvp you speak of
Actually i'm not my gear is bought second hand except for gloves I made with help of clan, and a pvp were gear is leveled out is already in the pipe works if you check the news it's called vortex i believe, as well as i'm asking for the option for a non-summon pvp I wouldn't be summoning those who like to pull out their skellies and dragon to that arena but providing the option for those who dislike those that do a chance to pvp without the annoyance of them (like what i did there with summoning those, best moment I've had all day)
hm vortex thanks for the info ill have to look it up and yeah ToH is a no summon 8 set AoH deal already
Problem with ToH is it doesn't run very often otherwise i'd be more then happy to just stick to ToH and try and hoard some shiny trophies along with the skellie free fighting
Also they should check for mounts, and even the mounted players, we had one team with 3 mounts and one with none.
Also all daily quest should run every 8 hours esp as a lot of people can't make the times, this way if it's 3 a day then more people could do one.