Wars and being an Ally I can't buy the bc immunity from crystal

Hell Ihit! I'm writing a suggestion to be used to be able to use the crystal in a square to get the 75 silver bc immunity when A ally of yours is at war. We were at war and could not fight because we kept dying and getting injured yet the allies could get the bc immunity for 75 silver. Could you please look into allowing the allies to use the crystal also so we don't have to sit in square for the 4 hours while the war is going on or just logging out. Thank you so much Ihit. This would greatly help in the wars as it is apart of fighting.
I completely agree, how can we aide our comrades if we get b/c'd right and left and can't get some sort of protection.
Totally agree, helping your allies is expensive enough without having to heal curses every 5 minutes
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