Tournament Of Honour

Very difficult to get running, think there are multiple options that may help:

1. lowering number of entry's needed for it to run (very difficult to get 8 willing players to join, even had difficulty on day of steel for one tournament)

2. No damage, It's just a big enticing offer just like in dot and DoS

3.Time between rounds to fix gear, can be off putting to players if gear is about to break and they may fight 7 rounds with no weapon

4. Or perhaps enhancing the rewards to encourage more participants, even for those who come 7th etc a small token for taking part

Obviously I'm not asking for all of these ideas to be introduced but perhaps one or two will make life easier for the tournament going person so please consider ">
yeah I think that maybe if it were that there would be no damage to gear then you would definetly see people paying cash to buy temple buffs and better gear to do tournament.
I want all the options
obvious;y im not big enough to participate yet but you have given me insight as what to expect!!i agree as ive seen a few people begging for members to join
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yeah also if you added maybe even atleast one of these options then you would definetly see a hell of a lot more people doing TOH essepcially in the higher brackets, because at the moment its as useless as the king of the hill option for pvp
Another consideration is the time. I realize you only want a person to be able to play twice a day but it is difficult for some of us to be available at these times. If you picked two other times in the day and gave players the ability to pick any 2 times you may see more.playing.
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