Locking Sea Battle

It'll be an awesome idea if when a player joins Sea Battle and there's is 5 minutes left before it starts to ask players if they are sure they want to participate in Sea Battle. If they click "Yes" then they should remain in queue with no form or way that that player can get out. In the other side if they click "No" they should not be allowed to enter Sea Battle until the next Sea Battle is available.

I'm saying this because there has been a (or maybe more than one) Vaalor player that decides to get out in the LAST second so nobody will do Sea Battle. It's getting annoying especially for me that want to participate in Sea Battle to be a better player in the game.
I totally agree with this idea!
I know it's off subject a little but this is a good idea that should also be implimented into tournament
Horned Demon,

It should so people dont have to use their money and resourses to use buffs when the Tournement of Honor is not going because some silly player decies to drop out in the last minute.
This idea would be an awesome idea as well if the Administrators could do this for Tornement of Honor as well.
Jose M,

You've hit the nail completely on the head, i've mentioned similar things in other posts but with little results, hopefully admins will take this into consideration and soon
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