Adding Bow and Arrows To Dragon Eternity

I think we should add bow and arrows to the game, yea it will take a LOT of work but it's not about the time it's about who loves the idea of it. The bow and arrow is for people who don't want to do this or this "> or this "> or for people who are bad at doing it, but at the start of the game or middle or end if people don't want to fight with swords but with a bow and arrow all they have to do is go to Sader base if you started there or Vaalor base if you started there talk to Crown- Legate Crimm (if Sader) or Storm- Brigadier Rand (if Vaalor) and pick "Sir, I would like to be an archer from now on" it would cost 10 silver, (5 silver for bow, 20 arrows for 5 sliver(1 arrow would cost 4 bronze)) and you get " Trainer's Bow" and " Used Arrows". Using them in combat would be just like using a sword BUT you can get better Bows and arrows to do more damage. Now this my favorite part, when your mana energy is enough to use magic, you can use magic on your arrows to do more damage, now if you do use magic on your arrows, your arrow will do the damage it does when it's not in magic, then the magic will kick in and do it's damage and affect. Now that I explained why I think bow and arrows should be added to the game, all i can do is beg and wait so plz add bow and arrows to Dragon Eternity! plz ">!
Blade Dixon
yes .. nice. and then when the enemy come chargin add the ability to run and hide, then the enemy come chase us, and we run again..and then run and run, that is what a bowmen will do in melee">">
yeah , very stupid idea Dixon
how is it stupid? some people are better at archery than swordsmenship i know i'am bad at swordsmenship, have a bow and arrow to the game is not that bad
And if an enemys runs toward you you can easily shot them in a weak spot like the head or if they are close shot them in the leg will slow them down which gilve you the chance to end them
thumbs down for this idea
This sounds pretty much just like a new class of character. I agree that fighting an archer in the arena seems a little silly, but there are probably some other classes that could be added that would be fun. Maybe there could be a class with extra high strength but lower vitality, or some kind of a sorcerer class with lower strength but higher wisdom. They could have the same lineup of green/blue/purple quality weapons, but just more diversity as to what the classes are good & weak at. Overall, I think the three classes are all pretty well balanced, so bringing in an all new one would be pretty tough, but who knows...maybe some kind of merit in Blade's idea.
i like lance's idea we could have new classes with different abilities for example (just an example) -we could have a spear wielding class called templer's and they would specialize in magic's just like a paladin's block rate but for magic.. and instead of making magic absorption completely random we could actually measure it with a class... we could do the same for dodge rate ect.

As for Blade Dixon's idea of having archers in the game it sounds kind of stupid to have archers fight at close range"> however i think it would be better to use a bow and arrow as mount weapons if some players feel that is necessary to be able to use bow and arrows in the game, but i like his idea of infusing magic into the weapon, it would make battles so much more interesting if we could infuse our magical abilities with our mount weapons"> , for example - if i infused my mount weapon with "Subterrain Fury" the mount weapon would have a much higher crit rate, so the mount weapon would gain the abilities of the infused spell.
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