Money issues

This game is starting to become a money game as is real life money. Its ether you pay money in real life or you die it seems like every time. I think the should be some easier way to make money in the game for people that dont want to pay real money. Or lower the cost of pots or just do something please......
this game isn't meant to be easy. you either need to take it slow at the lower lv if you don't cash and build up your profits, or rush and sacrifice your reps and lose a lot at higher lv till you are able to get the reps up there. how they make their money is getting you to buy reals to do better fast. quite annoying how people seem to think the game should just hand you your stuff rather than earning it, either through your credit card or how much time you spend on the game.
While what Surturs Fire say is true there are enough of ways of making money. Especially if you do trading, several players have acquired over 100 gold simply doing so through auction house.
IhitWhile what Surturs Fire say is true there are enough of ways of making money. Especially if you do trading, several players have acquired over 100 gold simply doing so through auction house.

Don't give away my secrets! rofl ">
Surturs FireIhitWhile what Surturs Fire say is true there are enough of ways of making money. Especially if you do trading, several players have acquired over 100 gold simply doing so through auction house.

Don't give away my secrets! rofl ">

sutrus, people have enough trouble making money on here , we need some secrets revealed or else people will have to spend real money on game becuz they cant make it on the game people are so dumb
The_Master_of_Fatesutrus, people have enough trouble making money on here , we need some secrets revealed or else people will have to spend real money on game becuz they cant make it on the game people are so dumb
You didn't hear any of the sarcasm in my statement? selling stuff for profit off AH isn't as easy as people think. takes a lot of time and patience and if you mess up you are SoL. only those who are very good at it are very successful. the game is designed to either rush through the beginning and lose some reps and play catch up later where it's easier to get gold or be very active in this that get your money with little to no xp... which means you sit bored a long time lol. the other option is paying through to get your edge. so take your pick what you want. I chose the sitting around being bored option at the lower lv :P
Personnel I'd be a whole lot more likely to buy some reals once in awhile if you get a break on them like 10 for 8$ or 20 for 17$ rather than straight 1-1
Surturs Fire,

Fine.. ok bro, this is what i am gonna say, listen carefully. DONT leak the secret to them.. no one should know this secret of urs..

But, hey psssst what is the secret anyway? u can tell me, i promise i wont tell them ">
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