Bringing Up An Old But Good Idea

The option of 1hr Eyes. Please. That is all.

not sure if anyone else ends up spending more/even amount on whatever amt of essences they may get. 1 hour eyes please.
Upping this Thread. Please hear my Ideas
I agree with Meshwell. Two hour eyes is sooooooooooooo boring , that I tend to wander off before the eye runs out whereas I'd be quite happy to run 2 eyes over 2 days and would definately end up farming more essence.
Very much agree, not to mention the fact a death eye is 1 hour so makes more sense to just be able to couple 1 essence eye with a death one rather then buying a 2 hour fire for example then having to buy 2 death to get the most out of farming, not to mention 2 hours straight farming is alot to ask of a player
to make it economically viable for the game, you could make the 2 hour eyes the cheaper option still, but I agree that a 1 hour eye is a great idea, i lose interest after about an hour and give up.
I also add my vote for this again. I sometimes need to farm essences, but just struggle to get 2 hours. 1 hour would mean for me I could do it more easily.
Me too
Yes for this thumb up
One hour eyes?!? You guys are crazy! I'd like to be able to buy a 12-hour eye! Go big or go home!

Haha...just kidding...I think 1-hour eyes are a great idea. I'd vote to get rid of 2-hour entirely and just make 1-hour eyes for 30s a piece or so.
Lance CorpusOne hour eyes?!? You guys are crazy! I'd like to be able to buy a 12-hour eye! Go big or go home!

Haha...just kidding...I think 1-hour eyes are a great idea. I'd vote to get rid of 2-hour entirely and just make 1-hour eyes for 30s a piece or so.

I know you are joking totally, However. Please Don't Confuse my Main Point~ Not asking to get rid of 2hr eyes, just the Extra Option of 1hr Eyes~
I'd love to see this too.
to this idea i get bored easy of 2 hour essences
i add my agreement to the idea of a 1 hour eye...
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