War declaration time

Why must it be fix at 2000? This is not fair. Resulting a clan become defenseless..then what is the point of playing if we cant defense our self or attack at time we need? Strategy dont need u to attack at 2000 ">

Please make it not fix at 2000. Let it be whenever we want
yes i agree defender should get to pick time
yes indeed please LET us PICK the time it is unfair because most people can not always be online at that time which gives the other clan an advantage.. In a war u need everyone to be online to help fight whats the point in having the a clan war anyway its just pointless if the defender can not pick the time or both clan come up with a compromised about the time...
Agreed...this makes sense to balance out wars. The clan declaring war currently has a huge advantage of being able to stack their roster with strong players before the war (bringing friends in from outside clans to help with the war; defending team can't do this because the roster is locked once war is declared). Letting the defending clan pick the time makes sense to even things out strategically a little bit.

Alternatively, a rule could be put in place to not allow players to clan-hop for wars. I'm not really a fan of more rules for the game, but it would prevent clans from stacking their rosters for war.
*strikes off few above*
If war is at any abrupt timing/player chosen timing = opponents might not be online = u win the war coz of unfair advantage!!!

*new suggestion/refined suggestion*
let wars begin 24hours after their declaration :)

Yes = *new suggestion/refined suggestion* let wars begin 24hours after their declaration :)

Yeah and if we can have this.. u will see more civilised war will happen and more fun for everyone.. it will also be way more fair!
Not to mention more reals spending.. and u earn :)
Bump. This is a good idea for balance.
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