Specific group chats for DoT and incidents

I think it would be a good idea for a group chat to automatically be formed when DoT's and incidences start so the people that can be involved are able to have private comms and arrange tactics. For example when lvl 9 - 15 DoT starts a group is formed of everyone in both factions. etc.
Discussing tactics in a group with everyone from both factions would kind of give the other team your tactics. & not everyone wants to partake in DoT, whilst a good idea, I think it should come up with an automatic invite, or a way to click "join chat" so you can decide if you want to be in it.
The idea is for the group to be your side only in DoT and everyone in incidences, but I like your amendments
nice idea but still better off sticking to raids
raids have a limited number of players. Perhaps this could be "Event" chat tab?
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