unfair DoT boss battle

This is in relation to the actual bosses fighting, not the actual people involved. In the DoT today Sadar had a bomb lead of about 300 going into the boss fight. Now, I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that we managed to use ALMOST all of our bombs on the opposite boss.

The boss fight was Skinflint Bron (who only uses fire magic) vs. Lior Mahlorn (who only uses water magic). Now seems a little bit unfair to me that Lior can HEAL himself while Skinflint cannot.

As I mentioned, Sadar had around 300 more bombs going into the fight, but still got absolutely destroyed on the final boss fight simply because Lior could heal himself.

Not to mention, the number of squires comes completely offsets any noticeable advantage that we as Sadarians have worked so hard in that bracket to enjoy.

Even if this were the other way around (Sadar had fewer bombs and fewer people) and we lost, this would still be unfair.

Can anything be done about this?
Yes, Something Should Be Fixed About This Like Have Lior Use Earth Magic Instead Of Water, Plus We Had Big Lead With Bombs But We Still Lost Because Of His Water Magic!!..........

~ The Amount Of Times Lior Uses His Water Magic Is Insane In Total He Atleast Heals Himself Over 20k of Health, As On The Other Hand Saadar Boss (Skinflint) Can't Heal.

~ Please Fix This!
I completely agree on both fronts, especially on the squires. If we turn up in larger numbers than the other side it should give us an advantage. We have put the effort to turn up in, only for it to be taken away by replicants and squires. So what's the point in turning up to fight?
Uncle Rodney,
Strange to say but as a vaalorian i agree, bosses should be of same class meaning same spells available to them.
but as for the replicants you must remember it is possible to target with bombs to remove them quickly from battle, leaving players free to then target boss's.
Although i don't agree with exactly what you've said i do think to some extent you have a point and this could do with looking into
look that happens and you all have been beating us for the past 2 months so i think you losing one time is fair enough
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