A bigger prices

Greetings support team :

Dear Support Team:

i would like to make an offer for new price reward, that we get after killing monsters or compliting misions, or between missions.
ithink the all the players of dragon iternity will agree with me, on that.....for example:increes the prices of orbs, glyphs, balm, or the coins(bronze/silver, or reaching new lvl)...its hard enough to get the gold for parchesing all those idol and still maintain the coins for all the ingreds for cooking/jewlery/inscription/alchemy mastery......and juggeling between all the other echiving that we presuit....like getting the medals of reputation for each event, or getting the good armor(dark hunter), u need to collect allthe relics, which is possiblel but to pay 7.5 reals for each part of the armor.....it's cool to get the award for the"BEST ON-LINE GAME OF THE YEAR" ....which that would never happend without us players....and on the other hand i see a lot of friend from the game getting shackles of prisoner.....WHAT I WAS MENNING TO SAY IS:
GRANT BIGGER REWARDS AT THE END OF: battles, killing monsters,PVP, gaurg.....and lower the charg about idol armor and other prices .....BEACUSE this game is good and RUMORS GOES THROUGH FACEBOOK; and if u want more players on this game u need to be fair ....beacuse players doesn't need to pay so much mony from thier own pocket to keep play the game, it would be a shame if player who can't afford to spand so much MONEY, THROUGH SMS, VISA , PAY-PAL WILL EXENTUALLY HAD TO LEAVE THE GAME OR TAKE A LOWN AND GET SHACKLES ">(black_beer)">

Moved to suggestions, also please limit your usage of caps and bold next time. Thank you!
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