Anti-Experience Star

I think that The Warlord or Merchant Curisities should bring so type of Star that Decreases the exp that a player receives by a lot (may be diferent stars for diferent amount) and it'll be understandable if the max number of star you can buy is 5 (or something similar) every time they come.
This star would make the game much more fun and less stressing over leveling up.
And it'll be much more better if this Star has a lot of time and that a player can make a profit out of it.
would be useful when farming essence
great idea, extrememly handy for farming and even for arena making the most out of each level for valor gain
i love this idea
I like this idea and would like this to happen
I am jealous of this idea..its cool but since i already reach a point of no experience saving.. i wanna say.. no.. dont introduce it! LMAO

Nah seriously.. yeah i will give it a thumbs up. alot would love it especially the new and low level.
talked about this idea before but forgot to put it in forums lol it is a great idea! and if it could NOT cost reals it would be even better!
very good idea...

You are totally right and I bet most of us want it to cost gold
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