DOT Quest

So today I started as a level 35 so in the 29-35 level range. I had one battle in which I managed about 10k damage. I then leveled so moved up to the next level range where I had 4 or 5 battles in which i again managed 8-10k per battle, I was then on the winning side for the DOT.
When i looked at the DOT quest it says I haven't completed the first part (inflict 2k damage on opposition), but have completed the 2nd part (win DOT), so basically I get nothing rather than the 2.5k valor I should have got. I have spoken with guardians and apparently this happens as the"> quest was for the previous level range. My suggestion is that if you level up and move range the quest re-sets so that you can do it in the new range. I don't believe we should be punished for leveling..">">">
Yeah, this is known problem with DoT, one reason I am trying to level either before or after DoT and not during DoT. I agree that there should be something done to fix it.
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