I Suggest a New Armor Type of for Players that Don't ( or in a Child's Case ) Can't

See, in the Battlegrounds, players that are able to spend money at DE have an upper edge. This gives their team a strong chance at winning the battle. What I suggest is not even to match that edge BUT to reduce it. These sets, one for each of the 3 classes, would be stronger than the Guardian, Barbarian, and Golden Eagle sets. YET they would still be slightly weaker than the Imperial Defender, Merciless Crusher, and Dark Hunter sets. Please consider, and if you would like to advance on my idea, please tell me so in your reply. "> I do believe many a player would like my idea. ">
i definitely agree you see people in aoh being owned by people like me who have Merciless Crusher armor and so on. They may hace Barbarian but simply cant afford 40g for one bit of armor and would surely enjoy being able to get a in the middle armor for not so much
it would also encourage more people to go in battlegrounds
i think that a fantastic idea. Even the ability to build the blue sets using gold, even with the cost being 2 to 3 times the amount of the reals price would be nice.

And YES, everybody needs to be doing more battlegrounds
... those who are willing to pay all that money into the game deserve the edge they get. It also isn't that hard to acquire some of that lower tier armor for yourself if you know how to make money in game. I didn't pay reals for any of the merc gear I have had. I traded with friends gold for the reals they used to make the pieces for me. I had an axe, the pommel for the axe, shoulders, and a necklace all made for me. The gear on it's own gives a very small stat boost around 15-20 strength and health per piece so it makes have several pieces to really get a difference at all from the stats. The real edge they get is from the extra armor slot they get to put steel marks in it.
sutrus i respect what u said and yes some people r good enough to make 20-30 gold for a sheild to buy off of other palyer. but some arent
like me'
Firstly, I have to say, this is a great idea &* anyone who disagree's must pe a payer, since their massive advantage won't be as great... Paying money on th game should give you extra perks, but if you're unableto afford the money to spend, why should you get absolutely thrashed, just because an opposing player happened to have spent half his wage on blue gear that week?

I would love to see something like this implemented, it would increase the playing experience for a larger number of people, even if it did make some of these payers feel a little less indestructable (which is a good thing).

If this change is not made, then something like blue gears only being able to fight blue gears should be... Paying a lot of money for the shortcut is all well & good, but the people that have to do the most playing of the game see the least out of it & this is quite unfair
theres only a very small gap between say barbarian gear and merciless gear, if they were to impliment this they'd have to change the stats of the lower quality gear or the higher quality if not both, for example barb leggings give 24 intuition and merciless gives 25
good idea. ADVANCE IT GUARDS. im tired of getting crushed!
a point no one has gotten too yet , they get have 4 mana on a guardian sheild, and 8 on the imperial defender one . that makes a huge difference in battle. im so smart right? lol ">
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