
let me just recommend the defilers thing to be optional or in an hour time frame like the other incidents. they are making just having fun slaying normal mobs a nightmare, i have no intention of wasting money or time killing them every time i need to do a different quest or just plain farming. maybe you could even just take their buff off the normal mobs and keep them on the abyss creatures so getting the rep would still be a challenge but not mess with the other features/quests. its getting a little bit ridiculous don't you think
just an example Seal of Blight III equiped to 3 lvl 16s in necro place for the lvl 16 quest makes it so its like your fighting 3 lvl 18-20s the way they crit when your only lvl 16
agreed quite annoying havin the buff on quest /normal monsters
Optional would be good!
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