Why no option for exchanging gold for reels?

We've all heard mention of the issue with reels in pvp, and the complaints are substantial and founded. I understand the business-minded approach behind utilizing reels, but you have to at least give players a chance to compete. The way it is now, people are totally abandoning pvp who don't use reels. To have so many other aspects of browser-style mmo's so right, making pvp a money game is wrong. Sure, you get a short term revenue from the reels sale, but reel users eventually get all their gear, and if new players keep getting discouraged and quitting or playing other games then DE has a BIG problem on it's hand. Something to consider. At least if players could exchange gold for reels than savvy financially minded people would have the ability to compete, therefore continue playing and speaking well for this game, encouraging further popularity.
there is... its called clanmates
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