ToH additions

i cant stress how much many of us dont get into Toh due to either the time of day or getting just short of the pvp required amount of players so heres wat iam suggesing and iam sure many will like this.... Make it happen 3 times a day.. with a min player req of 4 ** NOTE ** with a new player amont requirement (4) adjust the toh time lenght - Meaning - 4 players eguals out to 4 rounds up to X amount of players giving X amount of rounds. Taking in consideration that maybe, just maybe eliminating the Qualifying round so everyone can carry out the entire Toh / OR / add the qualifying round but only add an extra round if the total number of players exceeds 8 by 2 for each additional round added to the Toh.. at least this way we can ensure that Toh can happen at all times for all lvl ranges, and hey, an extra round cant hurt anyone, only benefits us all with a lill extra valor and rep and maybe an extra chance to get the collections... No need to worry tho i have been adding suggestions like crazy and will contnue to do so, i personally think i have NOT made a bad suggestion yet and really think these should be really looked at as 9/10 of my ideas are benefical for ALL players and even the further development of the game.....">
Couldnt agree more. I cant participate in ToH's as I am at work, or leaving for work, when they happen. I would LOVE to be able to get my valor ranking up, and ToH is a great place to do that. And on the days when I AM able to do one, there arent enough players. I havent done a ToH in months. This is a suggestion that should seriously be considered.
completely agree even though i am not high enough lvl to go in toh
I disagree with amount of players being decreased that wouldn't make it a tournament.... as for more ques we have asked for ages and nothing has changed. the current times are 6am and 2pm for me so like most times are bad for me.
Great Idea there! One drawback -- the qualifying round is important because it guarantees that there will be equal numbers of players on each side, making it truly pvp and not player versus rep.
Any number would do, actually, 4 vs 4 (Current minimum), 3 vs3, 2 vs 2 ---
I'm wondering what adjustments would be made to differentiate between the ToH with an 8 player minimum and a mini-ToH with only 4 players. We really do need to keep the qualifying round -- no reps in ToH is something I don't want to see fall by the wayside
More times for ToH and lowering required participants is a great idea in my opinion. Maybe 3 vs 3 with no reps as a minimum would be good.
More times yes. Everything else no. Lowering requirements is crazy because it means that the players will not be well suited to compete against each other, hence does everyone deserve a trophy too? Lowering the amount of players is also not a good idea because as mentioned before, it wouldn't be a tournament. The same people are going to want to queue for tournament because they need the collection pieces. Different times of the day and more than twice a day would make it easier indeed for other people to get in.
I completely agree with this whole post. Less people would be better but do not make it an odd number(of course but just clarifying it. UNLESS it is just for the qualifying round). It is very annoying when you have 8 people waiting in queue and all of the sudden a person decides to drop out at the last second. Make it an at least 4v4 so that they happen more frequently and also 3 times a day sounds fair. Every 8h should be good for every player in the game to catch at least one.
i agree you should you should make it more available for other players but the last thing i need is another one-sided aoh or 7b in battleground. maybe this would work for seabattles though.
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