Some new Mobs..

I was wondering if you could start doing mobs from,like, famous books or movies, like you could do a Tracker Jacker mob from the Hunger Games, Or a Dementor from Harry Potter. I was just wondering cuz i thought it would be kinda fun.

Well yeah.. i wanna hunt smeagol
lord of the ring mobs life would be complete
YEAH!!! that would be funny..
Am I gonna get a Guardian Reply??
I re-rolled in the time it took... nevermind.
The game would have to pay for use of copyrighted characters and would likely be very expensive, so can't see it happening imo
lots of games avoid copyright issues by making similar characters but not the same, as well as the mob of orc for example wouldn't have any copy right issues as it is widely used throughout games :) but can understand what you were trying to say
I mean things like, Cyclops, Minotaurs, Griffins, (srry i like Hybrids :P) and maybe some things magical, Like the element animals, Firewolf, Water Tiger, things like that..
PLZ reply

Orcs would be cool, And dementors you could do, But just be like Hooded Demons. And Tracker Jackers could be like Shershers with the Possibility of Disorientation. And you could do something like Death Eaters, Have wizards in cloaks that have magic. It would be also pretty cool to have some other random book/ Movie mobs. like James Patterson's Maximum Ride Series, There could be the Gen 77, Spider-eyed Kids That are strong fighters, Or people with wings to fight.

Please concider this idea, Thanks!

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