DOT added npc's

this is geting very redundant to players and its happens EVERY time in dot, the npcs are there " Supposely " to help an uneven side so why the hell are both sides getting them just did a dot where we got npcs to balance but once again vaalor also got them, some one is not thinking clearly when doing these events, maybe start paying real attention to players complaints and suggestions and maybe there wont be so mnay complaints lke this one. its stupid to say that an uneve side will get the npocs to help but one they get it the other side gets them as well, iam not saying this just for sadar but if the devs are gonna do things new in the game past present or future at least get the feedback from players and work from that. most of the players in the game can do a better job, i love the game and the features but it ALLWAYS seems like bad ideas are more welcomed that the more valuable advice form the players who are currently making ur game ongoing....
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