Helmet of the Spear Striker creation time

I payed 16 gold for spear striker warrant to make the helmet of spear striker collection piece. After i bought the warrant i found out it cost 5 gold to make each one and it makes you wait most 5 days. i think that is kind of insane having to wait 5 days every time. i suggest that you take this time restriction away or take the 5 gold cost away i don't care about the 5 gold cost as much as i do about the 5 day wait i am trying to get my rep up and it is nearly impossible if i have to wait that long. if i am 14k away from 37k rep and every collection i do gives me 450 then another 50 after the fight that is 500 rep every day i would need to do the collection and fight 28 times multiplied by 5 it will take me 140 days to get to 37k rep. can u see y i am upset. please fix this problem. thank you.
ya hats pretty redundant, but hey no one ever said they were thinking things out when they added it . its a shame that they are money hungry in reals and gold lol wat a shame,, smarter minds are needed in here lol
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