Corsair Rep

getting rep from collections and the coins is the only way so far. why not make the rep obtainable the same way as the other reputaions, not only by collections and the obtaining of coins but add some rep just for doing the battle even if its just a small amount.. it can a long road collecting the required coins to get the chests so maybe rep from the battle itself will entice a few more players to join them...
chest already gives the 'alternative route' to rep

If im not wrong, every other pvp based reputations have 2 ways to pump, 1 by battle other by collection..

1) Bonecrusher : fighting/collection
2) Hero: fighting (pvp or mob hunting)/collections
3) 7b: fighting/collection
4) Gladiator: (toh/collections)

and adding to that...

5) Corsair: Chest/collections...

Hope you see the similarity..
Yes, but you can only get the chests with Piastres which requires Sea Battle to do. So in essence I think what Tigrin is getting at is adding more rep gain in the battles or an extra way of gaining Corsair rep. similar to Hero where you can get it many different ways but in smaller amounts. i think his main point tho is increasing the rep gained from battles regardless of the outcome of battle.

Old and Newchest already gives the 'alternative route' to rep

If im not wrong, every other pvp based reputations have 2 ways to pump, 1 by battle other by collection..

1) Bonecrusher : fighting/collection
2) Hero: fighting (pvp or mob hunting)/collections
3) 7b: fighting/collection
4) Gladiator: (toh/collections)

and adding to that...

5) Corsair: Chest/collections...

Hope you see the similarity..

yes thnx fin at least some of us are not duhhh lol
I agree. I mean hero rep has many ways of getting it up - DoT, daily events, caves, collections. But each give you only smaller amount of rep.

On the other hand. The 7b collection pieces are rare to get.

And lot of people just dont go to Sea battles, because they think with the reward its just loose of time, energy and money, with all those problems round it.
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